Meet Donnae
Where are you from?
Washington, D.C.
What are you passionate about?
History, language learning, & holistic health.
Favorite Book: The Song of Achilles
Favorite TV Show:
Don’t really have one, but I do enjoy anime!
Favorite Band: BTS
Favorite travel destination?
New Orleans
Favorite food / drink:
Any Shrimp Dish!
Customer Success Specialist with 5 years experience in a variety of industries such as healthcare, shipping, rideshare and corporate team building; studying data science, cloud computing, and a resident of the east coast. Donnae’s primary role with LRT is to ensure customers have the best-possible experience with our company. This includes being mindful of their issues and becoming their number one advocate for a speedy solution. Use my knowledge regarding customer experiences to help the team improve customer satisfaction and product quality along with helping to create and implement processes to make us more effective. I am excited to bring my previous knowledge and experience to an exciting new service and product!
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